Italian Translation

Italian translation poses few problems to professional translators, be it from English into Italian, or vice versa.

We have a talented and experienced team of Italian translators able to translate all types of materials, including technical, marketing and legal texts.

We also provide certified translations into English of all types of Italian personal documents into English.

Whilst there are marked differences between the various dialects of spoken Italian, written Italian is standardised, with only minor regional variation in vocabulary.

Therefore, except in rare cases, a single English to Italian translation can be used for all target markets.

The Italian language

  • Italian is an official language in Italy and Switzerland
  • There are also large Italian speaking populations in several other countries
  • There are over 60 million native speakers of Italian


Italian translation with typesetting

Italian is a straightforward language to typeset in any graphic design program.

When typesetting into an existing English graphic design file, the same fonts can almost always be used for the Italian text.

Typically the only issue that may arise will be around space. This is because English to Italian translations are generally longer than the original English text. Any such issues are easily solved.

We have over 20 years experience and considerable expertise at typesetting text in a wide range of translation languages and would be happy to handle your next project - just use the quote form below.

See our multilingual typesetting page for details of our capabilities, processes and quality control measures.

Let us quote your Italian project!

Use our simple, quick-fill quote form below,
or e-mail us your document,
and we'll e-mail you back a quote asap.

Quote / Order Form

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    Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, txt, Max. file size: 32 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    An example of our Italian translation and typesetting work:

    Italian translation & typesetting

    Translations of other European languages

    We translate all main languages of Europe - some 35 in total. That's everything from Portuguese in the west to Turkish and Russian in the east, Icelandic in the north to Maltese in the south.

    Spanish is our main European translation language by volume, followed by French. We have marginally more requests for translation from English into Spanish and English to French than from those languages into English.

    German to English translation is also in high demand, as are projects involving translation from English to Portuguese.

    Don't need an Italian translation just yet?

    Then visit the PacTranz blog!

    8,000 viewers a month read our highly practical articles and guides and watch our videos. It's all designed to help you make more informed translation choices. Like this one:

    Realistic translation times using human translators