Korean Translations

We have over 20 years experience with Korean translations and can process all types of documents, and materials.

For business translations into Korean we offer two levels of quality assurance – either our quality-assured translations or our more economical budget professional translations.

Korean is written using the Korean alphabet, called Hangul, with occasional Chinese characters.

A few Korean fonts are available in Windows operating systems.Thus an English to Korean translation not requiring typesetting will generally be supplied in the same program and format as the original English text.

This is often a Word file, in which case our Korean translator will simply overtype the English text using standard Korean fonts.

Nevertheless, many of our Korean translation projects do also involve typesetting the translated text.

English company and personal names will generally be transliterated into Korean. That is, the approximate sounds of the English name are kept and reproduced in Korean characters.

Korean translation is usually relatively straightforward for most types of text. Of course there are important differences between Korean and Western cultures and traditions which can make the translation of certain texts and concepts a challenge. However our Korean – English translators have sound training and are very experienced. They know the approaches and methodologies needed to overcome any such complications.

We also provide a comprehensive Korean to English translation service for all document types, including certified translation of personal documents.

Korean translation with typesetting

The main graphic design programs now handle Korean fonts and text well. This includes InDesign and Illustrator, the programs we use most often.

Korean text can be typeset directly into these programs and when the formatting and layout is complete, we normally outline the text to curves for delivery to the client.

Raw text files can be provided, but clients generally prefer not to have to install fonts. And curved text eliminates the risk of subsequent font or display issues.

Our typesetters are fully conversant with Korean design, layout conventions and font usage.

These are vital for producing professional quality typesetting, and why someone unfamiliar with the language should never typeset Koran text.

Beyond this, there are few issues typesetting Korean text. Occasionally it may be a challenge to fit text into the available space, as Korean translations are often longer than their English equivalents. And we can't use very small point sizes as it will become difficult to clearly distinguish individual characters.

We strongly recommend clients use us for their Korean typesetting - there's no substitute for experience (20+ years in our case) and language-specific expertise.

Our separate multilingual typesetting page has key information on the methodology and quality control processes we apply to our Korean typesetting projects.

Multi-language projects with Korean translations

We often complete "CJK" projects, where the "K" stands for Korean. These combine Korean, Japanese and Chinese translations in a single multilingual document or file.

Frequently these will be brochure translations, packaging or labels, or the translation of legal documents.

Sometimes Vietnamese and/or Thai translations will be included in CJK projects.

If typesetting is required, these projects demand special care to ensure consistency of fonts, layout and style across the languages and artwork.

Other projects will involve English alongside the Korean translation in a bilingual document.

And sometimes Korean will be part of a project involving a large number of languages - 10 or more isn't unusual. We have many years experience and the required expertise to complete such projects to high professional standard.

Let us quote your Korean translation or typesetting project!

Either e-mail us your document,
or take a few seconds to complete the form below.

We'll e-mail you back our quote - promptly.

An example of our Korean translation and typesetting work:

Korean Translation & Typesetting

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Our articles, guides and videos are designed to help you make well-informed decisions around your translation needs. Like this one:

dtp-video-title-screenSimple steps to great multilingual dtp outcomes